Are You Experienced? What is your disaster personality?

Are You Experienced?
Ah! Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have.”
– Jimmy Hendrix

fire stick

If you’re not a Combat Vet or First Responder, Emergency Room Nurse, Police Officer, or Fire Rescue, your brain will have difficulty processing the information that bombards all your senses during a full blown, category 5, S.H.T.F. disaster event.

Not everyone is experienced and that can’t be helped.  That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

Many individuals have never been in a physical fight!  That’s not necessarily a bad thing in a world where everyone gets along.  But we don’t live in that world.


We never have.

Violence is still the Gold Standard on this planet and it would behoove those who want to survive to understand that bloody fact.

A lot of (young) people these day’s can’t even mentally handle an opinion that differs from their’s. They become outraged if it makes them feel uncomfortable or their feelings are hurt.

How will they react when they see a dead body or get punched in the face?


Violence, carnage and combat are paralyzingly, powerful, stressful agents to the uninitiated.

Amanda Ripley author of “The Unthinkable“, concludes that “all of us undergo a three-stage process when we find ourselves in mortal peril: denial, deliberation and the “decisive moment,” during which the survivor buckles down and acts. The trick, she says, may be to understand our instincts, which, in a crisis, may betray us. Some people run toward infernos, not away, and even in the face of obvious impending disaster, some people just won’t move.”

These “initiated ” people who are “experienced ” live daily, in a darker, stressful and more chaotic world than you.

They will be reacting faster than your average citizen. MUCH FASTER!!!

They are exactly the people you need to start to associate with.

It may be a good idea to expose yourself to a little violence, carnage and darkness.  Some Ambulances and Law Enforcement agencies do have a ride along program.  See about spending time having a front row seat to people experiencing a SHTF situation.  It may give you a glimpse of what your disaster personality is.

It’s not all about guns and gear!
A successful survivor is unpredictable. Their greatest survival weapon is their adaptability and how fast they can react in a changing environment.

If you haven’t read “The SHTF Art of War” yet, and want to “UP” your game for when disaster strikes and the lights go out, fear not. You can get it immediately with no waiting on KINDLE.





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