Bug Out Bag

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.

There is no such thing as one bag to rule them all.

The following is a chapter out of my new book that is due out this July 2024.

On The Road

Infrastructure attacks can possibly shut down roads & highways. You might have to walk home. The decision to leave your vehicle will be a hard one. Probably the hardest. At what point would you leave your vehicle? Give that some thought.

Here’s a story of a text message I received one afternoon in 2017.

My friend, lets call her “Roxy” texted me the following:

“Oh my God! I’m on the freeway and pretty much stuck in traffic.  Barely moving at all. It’s 3:30pm so it’s kinda weird for this much traffic.”

“I just had 4 or 5 military convoys go passed…this could be the end!  This is how it all starts in the zombie apocalypse movies.”

“my bug-out bag is in the garage.  I’ve been meaning to put it back in my car and now my gas light is on.”

“it could be that people are just getting off work early on a Friday, or it could be a deadly virus………I just don’t know.”

My friend then related how she was using her smart phone, trying to look up any headlines in the news to find out what was going on.

This is exactly the unprepared state most of us are in at all times.

You could call it our default state. Humans don’t change unless we are forced to do so. It’s gotta be painful in order for us to change our ways.

The first thing you must have is a plan. A plan to get home or to a specific location. Identify alternate routes on a map and even have an off-road plan. You might want to include a good quality bolt cutter next to your spare tire incase you need to go through some fencing or a gate.  And then set yourself up with a go-bag/get-home bag.

Here’s a “Go-Bag” list I gave to my friend that stays in her car.

* 2 Large water bottles. (with water) (only fill half full in cold climates)

* Extra Jacket/windbreaker.

*Poncho. Being wet sucks. Being cold and wet sucks more.

* Good Shoes to walk in. An absolute must!

* Ball cap (for the sun)

* Light stocking cap (even in the summer)

* Leather work gloves.

* Safety Glasses in a case. Get the bifocal kind if you wear glasses.

* N-95 dust mask.

* A map of your area. (have friends and family “safe-houses” located on the map)

* Small compass.

* Swiss Army Knife or multi-tool.

* Aluminum Baseball bat or hiking stick.

(local laws may not permit you to carry a firearm and not everyone has a carry permit and not everyone is comfortable with a firearm)

* Candy/energy bars.

* Toilet Paper roll (in a zip-lock bag)

* 2 Bic lighters.

*Very small 1st Aid kit.

*Walking Sticks. Hiking over rough terrain with a pack can cause you to lose balance. The last thing you need is a sprained ankle when you’re trying to flee for your life.

You can add to and modify this list. However, I caution you in doing so! You must tailor it not just to the area you live in but also the seasons. There’s not a one size fits all Bug-Out-Bag. There are many nuances to creating your survival bag. Weight is a big factor here. A normal, lazy person doesn’t hike with a back-pack on a regular basis. The water alone is most of the weight. For that reason I suggest you get the best pack you can afford and takes some walks with it on. Make adjustments as needed.

Keep in mind this is just a back-pack with a minimal amount of gear to aid in getting you home or to a location of safety. It’s not a 3 day assault pack with fighting gear in it. Keep it small. The smaller the better.

Also, plan for your cell phone to not work. I know there are apps to get alerts for traffic problems in your area. But plan for the internet and cell service not to work.

The Get-Out-Now Bag is another style of bag that should blend into you work environment somewhat. Maybe a tactical looking bag is ok for your particular workplace. That military look might not be acceptable in other environments.  A gym/sport bag might better blend in.

I can give you an example of what my bag Get-Out-Now Bag looks like for the environment I work in. But your bag needs to be custom for YOUR area of operation. My environment is rural. Very rural. Wilderness rural.

My bag is a simple over the shoulder, cross body, sling backpack. I chose this because it’s not too bulky to bring into work. It’s not a full size, two shoulder strap backpack. It is a OD green military style with molle straps. I’ve attached a water bottle pouch and another smaller accessory pouch on the sling.

Inside the bag I have the following:

  1. Titanium camp cup that fits on the bottom of a 32 oz Nalgene water bottle.
  2. A camp spoon.
  3. Dexter Russell, Green River Knife.
  4. 2 one oz Silver Coins. Plus $300 in cash incase ATM’s are down and credit cards don’t work. Denominations are in $5, $10, $20 and $50.
  5. Encrypted flash drive with back-up files.
  6. Faraday bag for your phone.`
  7. Small Multi-tool.
  8. Small Flashlight (I prefer using one that takes standard AA or AAA batteries)
  9. Sharpening Stone.
  10. Compass.
  11. Sewing Kit.
  12. Fire Starting Material. (wetfire)
  13. Bic Lighter & Strike Anywhere matches in a chapstick case.
  14. Collapsable toothbrush & toothpaste.
  15. Floss.
  16. Small notepad & pencil.
  17. Altoid Tin with bandaids, triple antibiotic ointment, pain reliever, Tums, and baby aspirin.
  18. Medkit for penetrating injures. Israeli trauma dressing, chest seals, tourniquet, 4×4 gauze, compressed gauze, tape and EMT scissors.
  19. A shemagh scarf. Common and less-than-common uses for a shemagh are as follows: Improvised sling if your arm becomes injured – makeshift bandage for heavy cuts or gashes – makeshift tourniquet if things have gone further south with an injury – improvised Splint – sweat towel – water filter – wrap to keep items contained within your backpack – cooling cloth (paired with water) – scarf for cold months – small blanket or a large blanket for a small child – head dress to keep the sun off your head – blockade against dust or debris – improvised pillow – ground cloth – hunting & gathering sack – improvised backpack or butt pack when tied properly – pot holder so you don’t burn yourself.
  20. Giant candy bar. Try not to bust into that stash too often. It’s for emergencies!

If need, you can put a small pistol and extra magazines in the bag. That adds a lot more weight.  (check your local laws if you’re going to do that)

The goal of this bag for me, is to have something as small and light as possible to be able to have with me at all times. I’m constantly trying to make it lighter. It’s currently over 11 pounds. That may not seem like a lot of weight but it is.

Resist the urge to add more stuff just to fill your bag full just because there’s room. I encourage you to keep it as small as possible. Something easy to throw in your vehicle, take on a hike or take into work. Something that can help stack the deck in your favor in the event you have to run for your life away from immediate danger. And in my case, walk home a long distance over rugged terrain.

Your particular environment might be urban and prohibit many items. Or you don’t need to travel as far. If so, you don’t need everything I carry. My list is just an example to get you thinking about a worse case scenario. One in which your world has descended into chaos and your fellow humans have lost their minds.

A scenario where you can’t get back to your vehicle where your bug-out bag and battle rifle are located. Maybe all you need is a bandaid, a flashlight, and few Tylenol.

This is a chapter in my upcoming book “Gaining The Unfair Advantage” coming out in July. 

Above all, only share this information with those you want to survive.

It’s Always Every Man For Themselves.

Pre-Panic. Pre-Prep and Keep Your Mouth Shut.

The last 3 years of the Covid 19 pandemic and how our local, state and national authorities responded to that pandemic has created a whole bunch of new preppers, survivalists and homesteaders. Preparedness minded people who won’t get fooled again. While I encourage and welcome the newbies to the preparedness mindset. At the same time, it’s also annoying to me that they are putting a strain on the limited supply chain of prepps.

I now recommend you Pre-panic and stock up. Right Now!

Get ahead of the prepper’s. I’m not talking about getting ahead of your standard issue civilian. You know, the ones who run to the store and clean out all the bottled water, milk, eggs and toilet paper an hour before the storm hits.

I’m advising you to get ahead of the dedicated prepper’s who are switched on. Due to the conflict in Ukraine, the dust up between Israel and Palestine and the 2024 election year upon us, prepper’s are accelerating their hoarding plans. It’s happening today! Right now!

Pre-Panic, Pre-prep and Keep Your Yapper Shut. If a person is NOT in your immediate circle of trust, don’t spread the word. The supply chain doesn’t hold enough supplies for everyone.

If history proves anything time and time again, it’s that not everyone makes it out of a disaster alive.

You can pick up your copy of The SHTF Art of War at amazon.

A book that covers controversial real world subjects you never think about unless you’ve lived in a war zone or an underdeveloped (3rd World) country.

It pushes your mind into an uncomfortable way of thinking. If you want to know how the savage nature of your “fellow man” is going to rise to the surface when the lights go out, fear not. You can get your copy today.

Who’s next after Target gets looted during SHTF?

It’s clear by now how fast the looters take to the streets during protests and we see them hit the same “Targets” every time.

The goal of the awake and aware is to not be near these places when the hoople-heads are roaming in mobs. For one, we now know Law Enforcement won’t be stopping the mob. The mob will be stopping you.

(you can read my post about how dangerous MOBS are by clicking HERE)

I believe in a WROL (without rule of law) SHTF (shit hits the fan) event, where the mob knows that they are free of any consequences for their actions, they will move into the residential areas. The residential areas within walking distance from the local Target and Walmart store.

The mob will savagely be going from house to house. Your 911 call for help will be met with a busy signal.

The streets will be clogged with debris and masses of people. Being on foot will be the transportation of the day. Once it’s clear that no one (law enforcement) is stopping their looting spree, and the stores are empty, there will be extra incentive for the mob to move into the neighborhoods.

The residential areas and apartment buildings closest to the big box stores will be the first on the mobs list.

Perform an experiment for yourself. Just google Target & Walmart stores in the city you live in. Zoom in and you’ll know the areas that the mob will be operating in during the S.H.T.F. event.

You’re on your own!

Law Enforcement agencies right now, can’t handle the volume of calls on a Non-SHTF day. Law Enforcement, first responders and Emergency room personnel are suffering from staffing shortages since the pandemic and vaccine mandates. I don’t see them fully recovering for years to come. The juice just ain’t worth the squeeze. They’re defunded and demoralized.

The ones who are still on the job probably aren’t going to respond to where they are outnumbered and outgunned.

(you can read my post about Backing the Blue by clicking HERE)

If you want to know more about how your fellow man will operate when the lights go out, you should get your copy of “The SHTF Art of War.

A controversial long-term-grid-down survival book.

This book was written to give the reader a brutally insightful look into the mind of Apocalyptic Criminal Warlords and how they won’t hesitate to take advantage of a society without the rule of law.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic, financial crash, EMP, World War or earthquake that causes a societal collapse. When the grid goes down and the lights go out, many won’t be prepared to defend against those who are organized and intent on doing them harm.

Even with advanced warning of an impending storm the News routinely shows people running, last minute in a panic to the store and the shelves don’t hold enough supplies for everyone.

This book covers controversial subjects and pushes your mind into an uncomfortable way of thinking.

It’s stripped down to quickly deliver the reader information on topics such as how the criminal element will conduct their reign of terror. It covers how to pick a winning survival team, how to prepare for a stay at a FEMA camp, what to expect in a 100 mile traffic jam and what it takes to be a post apocalyptic scavenger. It also provides a list of post collapse professions that ensure you’re essential to a grid down community. Plus a whole lot more.

“The SHTF Art of War” get it while it’s still available. Just click HERE or the Buy Now button below.

Native Americans. Living in a Post-Apocalyptic Community for 500 years.

To be Indigenous to North America is to be part of a post-apocalyptic community.

It can be argued that they have been living in a post apocalyptic landscape for 500 years.

Legacies of poverty resulting from the forced migration, segregation, “re-education,” displacement and resettlement, and other kinds of oppression.

Native Americans have endured many challenges, such as forced assimilation, and epidemics. However despite their ongoing struggles, they are still very much a part of contemporary society.

Native American communities have contributed to the cultural and economic fabric of modern society and continue to maintain their traditions, languages, and customs. While there are certainly ongoing issues related to social and economic inequality, discrimination, and marginalization, native Americans have made significant strides in achieving political representation and self-determination.

It is important to acknowledge the complex and often painful history of native Americans and work towards understanding and rectifying past injustices. However, it is also important to recognize their ongoing resilience and contributions to society, and not view them solely through the lens of past trauma.

In a society built atop their graves, survival has become an act of resistance.

The S.H.T.F Art of War. A controversial long-term-grid-down survival book.

This book was written to give the reader a brutally insightful look into the mind of Apocalyptic Criminal Warlords and how they won’t hesitate to take advantage of a society without the rule of law.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic, financial crash, EMP, World War or earthquake that causes a societal collapse. When the grid goes down and the lights go out, many won’t be prepared to defend against those who are organized and intent on doing them harm.

Even with advanced warning of an impending storm the News routinely shows people running, last minute in a panic to the store and the shelves don’t hold enough supplies for everyone.

This book covers controversial subjects and pushes your mind into an uncomfortable way of thinking.

It’s stripped down to quickly deliver the reader information on topics such as how the criminal element will conduct their reign of terror. It covers how to pick a winning survival team, how to prepare for a stay at a FEMA camp, what to expect in a 100 mile traffic jam and what it takes to be a post apocalyptic scavenger. It also provides a list of post collapse professions that ensure you’re essential to a grid down community. Plus a whole lot more.

“The SHTF Art of War” get it while it’s still available by clicking HERE or the “Buy Now” button below.

Warrior Life Podcast Interview. (SHTF Personalities)

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the Warrior Life Podcast with Jeff Anderson.

This was my first interview. I feel I got lucky having Jeff be the first person I would have a one-on-one discussion with in the Podcast sphere. He’s hands down a class act.

He asked very challenging questions that hit to the heart of the most controversial aspects to my book regarding my take on FEMA camps.

He hit topics I have not seen covered by any other preparedness channels.

I’m not used to being interviewed and have never done a podcast. Jeff is knowledgable as all get out. I hope to work with him in the future. He’s set the bar pretty high. A stand up guy in my opinion.

You can see for yourself. Check out the interview below.

If you haven’t read “The S.H.T.F. Art of War” yet, and want to get ahead of the disaster learning curve BEFORE the lights go out, fear not.

You can get it immediately with no waiting on KINDLE.

It’s also available in a popular EMP resistant PRINT format.

NASA Study Say’s We’re All Doomed.

A NASA study (March 2014) say’s we’re all doomed and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Civilization was pretty great while it lasted, wasn’t it? Too bad it’s not going to for much longer According to a study sponsored by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, we only have a few decades left before everything we know and hold dear collapses.

The report, written by applied mathematician Safa Motesharrei of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center along with a team of natural and social scientists, explains that modern civilization is doomed. And there’s not just one particular group to blame, but the entire fundamental structure and nature of our society.

Analyzing five risk factors for societal collapse (population, climate, water, agriculture and energy), the report says that the sudden downfall of complicated societal structures can follow when these factors converge to form two important criteria.

Motesharrei’s report says that all societal collapses over the past 5,000 years have involved both “the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity” and “the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or “Commoners”) [poor].” This “Elite” population restricts the flow of resources accessible to the “Masses”, accumulating a surplus for themselves that is high enough to strain natural resources. Eventually this situation will inevitably result in the destruction of society.

Click HERE for the full story.

You can enjoy even more controversial subject matter by reading…

“The SHTF Art of War.”  Now available in print and also as an immediate Kindle download.

Get ready for the collapse.  Just click the image below.

Are You Experienced? What is your disaster personality?

Are You Experienced?
Ah! Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have.”
– Jimmy Hendrix

fire stick

If you’re not a Combat Vet or First Responder, Emergency Room Nurse, Police Officer, or Fire Rescue, your brain will have difficulty processing the information that bombards all your senses during a full blown, category 5, S.H.T.F. disaster event.

Not everyone is experienced and that can’t be helped.  That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

Many individuals have never been in a physical fight!  That’s not necessarily a bad thing in a world where everyone gets along.  But we don’t live in that world.


We never have.

Violence is still the Gold Standard on this planet and it would behoove those who want to survive to understand that bloody fact.

A lot of (young) people these day’s can’t even mentally handle an opinion that differs from their’s. They become outraged if it makes them feel uncomfortable or their feelings are hurt.

How will they react when they see a dead body or get punched in the face?


Violence, carnage and combat are paralyzingly, powerful, stressful agents to the uninitiated.

Amanda Ripley author of “The Unthinkable“, concludes that “all of us undergo a three-stage process when we find ourselves in mortal peril: denial, deliberation and the “decisive moment,” during which the survivor buckles down and acts. The trick, she says, may be to understand our instincts, which, in a crisis, may betray us. Some people run toward infernos, not away, and even in the face of obvious impending disaster, some people just won’t move.”

These “initiated ” people who are “experienced ” live daily, in a darker, stressful and more chaotic world than you.

They will be reacting faster than your average citizen. MUCH FASTER!!!

They are exactly the people you need to start to associate with.

It may be a good idea to expose yourself to a little violence, carnage and darkness.  Some Ambulances and Law Enforcement agencies do have a ride along program.  See about spending time having a front row seat to people experiencing a SHTF situation.  It may give you a glimpse of what your disaster personality is.

It’s not all about guns and gear!
A successful survivor is unpredictable. Their greatest survival weapon is their adaptability and how fast they can react in a changing environment.

If you haven’t read “The SHTF Art of War” yet, and want to “UP” your game for when disaster strikes and the lights go out, fear not. You can get it immediately with no waiting on KINDLE.





3 Lessons From The Lock Down.

1. The fear in peoples eyes at the grocery store.

As there were rumors of halting interstate travel during the pandemic lock-down, I made a trip to my local grocery store. The first thing I noticed was it was unusually busy for a Sunday.

The second thing was, I did not recognize anyone in the store. Not one person. In a small town with a population of around 1,500 you usually run into someone you know, clog up an isle and spend 10 minutes chatting it up about the weather.

The people who were there, had a wide eyed, panicked look on their face. It was fear. They were scared to death. You could feel the energy in the building. Now I know what they mean about fear being contagious.

See my post on S.H.T.F. Village Raiders.

2. The world shrunk.

Your world shrunk down to the 4 corners of your house. The four corners of your block. It shrunk down to the nearest families in your neighborhood. The world shrunk down to what you can control.

Family units collapsed down to their inner circle.

The wagons were circled so to speak. Family units coalesced to one household. The house where there were the most supplies and best chance for survival. But I think it went deeper than that. I think it’s in our “Ice Age” hard drive to instinctively know that there’s safety in numbers.

3. Not enough.

I stood with my bride in our small pantry, jokingly called “The 2012 Room”, and sadly realized that we did not have enough supplies for all the “extra” people that showed up at our house.

(You may want to read my article on refugees showing up at your house during SHTF.) Click HERE.

As the author of The SHTF Art of War…I was appallingly unprepared. Yea…pretty embarrassing. I’m working on fixing that.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic, financial crash, EMP, World War, or earthquake, that causes a societal collapse. When the grid goes down, the vast majority of people won’t be prepared to defend against those who are organized and intent on doing them harm.

Even with advanced warning of an impending winter storm or hurricane, the News routinely shows people running in a panic, last minute to the store and the shelves never hold enough supplies for everyone.

This book covers those controversial, real world subjects and pushes your mind into an uncomfortable way of thinking.

It’s stripped down to quickly cover topics such as how the criminal element will conduct their reign of terror.  It covers how to pick a winning survival team, how to prepare for a stay at a FEMA camp, what to expect in a 100 mile traffic jam and what it takes to be a post apocalyptic scavenger.  It also provides a list of post collapse professions that ensure you’re essential to a grid down community.  Plus a whole lot more.

Social Media Hates Complexity

It’s specifically designed to condition your brain. It’s worse than addiction.

We are social animals. People fear not belonging more than severe pain or not having food. The fear of being ostracized is the most frightening thing. This fear is what is used to change your brains neuroplasticity.

In social media, if you want to belong, this is what you have to do.

Be aggressive.

Be dumbed down.

Don’t be intellectual.

Keep it simple stupid.

The stupider the post, the more likes. The more sparse the content with less long words the more popular the post. Social media forces you to hide your true identity.

You’re being conditioned to deny critical aspects of yourself. If you’re intelligent you have to deny that. It forces you into an ideal that is essentially aggressive, recessive and infantile. To sum it up, you’re being brainwashed.

They don’t want you smart. They want your face locked onto that screen scrolling your life away. They want you simple minded and controllable.

I say don’t let the bastards win.

Excerpts taken from “Sam Vaknin: the TRUE toxicity of social media revealed” https://youtu.be/dmXcjvL9VSc

How does this relate to SHTF? Simple…you have to work hard everyday to guard your mind from the most powerful propaganda efforts ever conceived. You are being subjected to it hourly.

Be strong.

The S.H.T.F. Art of War is available on Amazon.

The SHTF Art of War can also be found on Youtube & Instagram.


This IS the most controversial chapter of my entire book. So buckle up!

If you ask me, I strongly believe the chapter on “How To Be A FEMA Camp Hero” is worth the price of the book alone.

Keep these 4 points in mind as you read further: 

1. The following information is for people who have become displaced and have no other choice but to seek refuge at a FEMA disaster recovery center. Also know as the U.S. National Response Team (NRT). 

2. Never say never!  Even the most hardcore preppers/survivalists may find themselves in a situation with no other choice than to seek assistance from FEMA.

3. A major part of survival, after all, is being prepared for the things we wish to avoid.

4. It’s a reality that Millions of people WILL have NO OTHER CHOICE but to seek out help at a FEMA recovery center.

I’ve done my research on FEMA’s history and hope to never have to resort to seeking help from FEMA.  They are very slow to respond and usually understaffed. I have serious doubts that they can handle a full-on, Grid-Down America. I don’t think you should place any of your bets on that organization coming to save you. I have much more faith in communities coming together to dig themselves out of a disaster.

However, if unfortunate events befall me and I find myself in one, I’m glad to have the knowledge I’ve shared here in my book, to help me get through the ordeal intact.

I differ with a lot of preppers on the FEMA concentration camp topic. I don’t believe these FEMA centers are concentration camps built to exterminate people as some people propose.

I believe you can take “some” comfort in knowing that a government cannot exist without people to govern! They need us.  Well, at least most of us.

The government, power elites and the super rich need a labor force to do the dirty work.  The rich and powerful don’t get their hands dirty.  Their biggest fear is the loss of their vast fortunes and the lifestyle they’ve grown accustom to.

Their top priority will be to protect their assets and the continuity of the lavish lifestyle they enjoy.  Those with great power will do whatever is necessary to ensure they keep that power. Would it not make sense that those power elites have a plan in place to keep the status quo?

I don’t see any preppers or survival groups with any plans or offering any insight into helping keep our nation together so as to not descend into tribal warfare.

Is FEMA Right For You?

If you have no real worth to a post-apocalyptic survival group and feel you’d be put immediately on the survival group’s expendable list, then you should consider getting your worthless butt to a FEMA camp as soon as possible.

I’ve received a lot of push-back on this subject and received scathing reviews on Amazon. You can go look for yourself. HERE

It still doesn’t change the fact that it’s inevitable for your preparations to run out or be taken by forces stronger than yours.  During desperate times, if your a prepper, you’ll be considered to have more than your fair share by those that don’t.

It’s also highly possible that your stash, if found, may also be “liberated” by FEMA for the common good of everybody. The neighbor you wouldn’t share a can of beans with will make sure someone knows what you have.

FEMA is a reality. I’m a survivor and will consider all options to stay alive if I find myself in a worst-case situation of a complete societal collapse.

Some people are not cut out to be the lonely hero on the road with their trusty rifle and survival bug out bag.  This makes for some fun reading but it’s not at all realistic.  I say a man has got to know his limitations. You’re going to need other people to survive.

Doomsday Preppers and survivalists will tell you that FEMA camps are actually concentration camps to be feared and avoided at all costs. Like I said before, I disagree.  I believe that is simply false. It’s just prepper fantasy.

It’s also worthy to note that the same prepper’s who preach New World Order conspiracy theories, will most likely be the ones who will kill you for what you have in your bug out bag when they become desperate.

They won’t say it to your face. But in reality, a prepper’s plan is hunker down with their supplies during a SHTF event and watch you die.

While interviewing young preppers for this book, I found an alarming number of those individuals were ALL gun and NO preps.  They had no other plan than to threaten or kill others and take the stuff they need to survive.

It’s a safe bet to make, that all the paranoid, anti-government preppers will eventually be just as dangerous as criminal gangs and outlaw survivalists when they become desperate. They don’t look at the unprepared and unaware as human beings.

They dehumanize the unprepared & unaware by calling them sheep. They refer to them as “sheeple.”

So let’s pretend the crap has really hit the fan and the country is in tough shape and getting worse extremely fast.

Let’s say you’re one of the legions of people who can’t afford a year’s supply of dehydrated food or a tricked out assault rifle with 2,000 rounds of ammo.  You can’t raise sheep, rabbits or plant a garden.  You know nothing about stacking gold and silver coins and couldn’t afford it if you did.

Maybe, just maybe a FEMA camp is just the thing for you.

For one thing, it’s a lot cheaper.  You don’t have to waste your time and money on prepping.  You can have a “prepper peace of mind” and enjoy the now, knowing you have a FEMA camp plan in place for a SHTF event. 

After all, if things are really bad and it’s a matter of survival at this point.  Starvation and disease always follow a major disaster.

I’m just giving you some points to ponder.

If you’d like to learn more about how to prepare for a “stay” at a FEMA recovery camp, go ahead and get your own copy of “The SHTF Art of War.”